2021-22 ritual arc:
The pentacle of care
Intention: To care, and be cared for; to receive, and to give, To care, and be cared for is how we live.
The Pentacle of Care is a magical tool that comes out of the Upper Mississippi River Reclaiming community, heralded by Galen Smith with the help of Diane Long. It is a working that assists with giving and receiving care for oneself, family, and community. After reflecting on this magic, the RPC agreed that “We have needed this for a long time.”
This is a sentiment that covers our most recent pandemic year, but also hails back to some existential questions about the Baltimore Reclaiming community. This last year has been tough on social connections and many of us will be re-learning how to be in ritual space together. But even before the pandemic, some of our members wondered how to be better connected outside of ritual space, how to make the magic translate into daily life from our rituals. Some of us wondered, “How can we grow in a way where we are caring for one another in more genuine and expansive ways?” We will not only be thinking about how to “get back to normal” in our rituals, but how to reinvent ourselves as something new, something that can better hold the world we enchant today.
Much of our work will focus on community building this year, using the Pentacle of Care to guide us. We will be diving deep into ideas represented on the Care Pentacle’s points: Interdependence, Boundaries, Vulnerability, Integrity, and Creativity. We will access these points with magic, to help us remember to give and receive care for ourselves, our friends and family, and our wider communities.
Because of the nature of this work and the state of the Covid pandemic, our rituals will be privately held for the first half of the year, at least. If you have already been to a Baltimore Reclaiming event (a ritual, or a class) in the past two years, you are invited back to celebrate with us. If you are new to us, please keep in touch for changes and other offerings that may allow us to connect in new ways.
Save the Dates:*
Lammas: Sunday, August 29, 2021, Clifton Pleasure Club
Autumn Equinox: Saturday, September 18, 2021, Patterson Park
Samhain: Saturday, October 30, 2021 (or November 6), TBD
Winter Solstice: Saturday, December 18, 2021, TBD
Imbolc: Saturday, February 5, 2022, TBD
Spring Equinox: Saturday, March 19, 2022, TBD
Beltane: Saturday, April 30, 2022, TBD
*All dates and locations are subject to change.