
 birch 2021

BIRCH, or the Broad Intra-Reclaiming Council of Hubs, is how we make tradition-wide decisions. BIRCH meetings happen every few years; the last occurred at 2019’s Dandelion Gathering. The most recent series of BIRCH meetings took place in multiple sessions, both via Zoom and message board (Loomio), in January-February 2021. Baltimore Reclaiming was able to send representatives to all these meetings, during which Reclaiming as a tradition made several important agreements. Below is a summary of these meetings, their outcomes, and the resolutions upon which we consensed our agreement.

Meeting 1, January 30-31

Purpose: To discuss and reach consensus for Proposal #2 submitted by Decolonizing Actions in Reclaiming Communities (DARC) members to change the Principles of Unity to support Reclaiming’s evolution into an anti‐racist tradition.

Key Decision: Consensus reached to change the Principles of Unity.

Actions/Next Steps: Please spread the word and update the Principles of Unity as they appear in documents and on Reclaiming community websites. 

Meeting 2, February 6-7

Key Decisions: We achieved consensus on two proposals that were originally shaped by Dawn Isadora of the Portland Oregon Reclaiming Teacher’s Alliance in the Loomio conversation between January 31st and February 6th. These were discussed, addressing concerns, and some suggested amendments were enacted.

Revised Proposal #3.1:

  • All Reclaiming communities (camps, local, online) are called upon to develop and employ actionable processes with which to stop online and in-person racialized harm (racist comments and a culture of whiteness that is diminishing the power and presence of BIPOC witches) and the erasure and marginalization of trans, non-binary, and disabled witches. We adopt this proposal with the agreement that we will discuss this at the next scheduled BIRCH meeting, for communities to report back and share information on what they have done.

Revised Proposal #3.2:

  • To aid communities in developing actionable processes to both stop and heal from harms (specifically those named in the above proposal #1), one or more international or regional groups including BIPOC, trans, non-binary and disabled Reclaiming witches will form to collect and create best practice approaches to be shared with the broader Reclaiming communities. Information from this group or groups could assist in forming shared Principles of Accountability.

Meeting 3, February 13-14

Key Decisions/Outcomes:

  • Consensus to adopt two proposals: changing the BIRCH process (#1) and resourcing marginalized people and communities (#4).

  • Consensus to bring the third part of Dawn’s proposal (#3.3) that replaced the original accountability proposal back to communities for discussion.

  • Brainstormed ways to implement proposal #4.

Proposal #1:

Replace the original BIRCH structure from 2004 with a more concise and nimbler process for items to be considered for consensus.

  1. Official BIRCH meeting, scheduled annually, will be held online. In-person meetings, with online accessibility, will be held periodically when appropriate.

  2. BIRCH agenda items will be submitted for consideration to the BIRCH Committee at least 3 months prior to the meeting.

  3. Communities* should discuss proposals prior to consensus decision-making at the annual meeting.

  4. Anyone in Reclaiming may participate in the facilitated, on-line, asynchronous portion of the BIRCH meeting (LOOMIO or comparable platform).

  5. All communities (5 or more) may select 1 Representative and 1 Shadow (Alternate) to attend the online, synchronous BIRCH meeting (ZOOM or comparable platform).

  6. The BIRCH Committee works by consensus as administrators to plan, promote, and create processes and agenda for BIRCH meetings and provide training for facilitators and representatives, delegating whenever possible. The BIRCH Committee of 6-7 people will include BIPOC (2), Trans/Gender Non-binary (2), Non-US (2), and Elder (1) from distinct communities. Additional considerations: disability, youth, knowledge of Reclaiming, reliable internet. Term of service: 2‐3 years with rotation to allow continuity. The BIRCH Committee will be financially compensated for this work.

*Community: a group of 5 or more who work together magically and embrace the Principles of Unity. A Community may be defined by geography, but is not limited to location or language.

Proposal #4: 

Magically and financially support marginalized people/communities to create the structures that they need to be in and support Leadership (a combination of two proposals consensed upon at the BIRCH meeting at Dandelion 2019).

Action/Next Steps:

  • Bring proposal #3.3 (resourcing the work group that will be collecting processes for accountability) to your communities and be prepared for consensus decision at the next BIRCH.

    • Proposal #3.3: To financially support the work of justice‐seeking groups of Reclaiming witches—who are Black, Indigenous, people of color, trans, non‐binary, and/or disabled/people living with disabilities—Reclaiming witchcamps, local and online communities will donate, tithe, fundraise, or find some other means to contribute financially to these groups for the duration that their work is needed.

  • Pick whichever activities for financial/magical support of our marginalized members that are feasible for you or your community and implement now.