What to Expect at a Baltimore Reclaiming Ritual

Often, newcomers are curious about what is going to happen at a Baltimore Reclaiming ritual.  Many times, this is their first time attending a ritual like this.  Though each ritual is different, what follows is a general outline that describes most of our events.


  • Baltimore Reclaiming rituals usually attract anywhere between 30-60 people and are usually held indoors.  We always have some new people, so you won't be the only one wondering what's going on! Sometimes we have an activity for  you to do before the ritual starts. If not, just relax in whatever way works for you. whether that is being quiet in a corner or making a new friend.


  • Our ritual planning cell will have assigned a few people to officially begin the event. We will introduce our group, run through the 'house rules', and do a ritual run-through, letting you know generally what to expect.  If there is a chant, we will teach it. 

The Ritual

  • Grounding- Someone will guide the group through a short meditation that is designed to help you be more present in your body.

  • Casting the Circle- Someone will draw an energetic circle around the area we are doing the ritual in, creating sacred space.  There are many different ways to do this, and often people get quite creative!

  • Calling the Elements- Using words, song, chanting, and/or movement, we call the powers of the four directions, and the elements associated with the them. East — air; South — fire; West — water; North — earth. In the Center, we invoke Spirit.

  • Invocations- Depending on the ritual, we might invoke a deity or other type of spirit (such as Ancestors of Liberation or Spirits of the Land). This really depends on the ritual and what is the intention of the working.  Sometimes if we are working with a story, you might even find us invoking an archetype such as "Storyteller" or "The Old Woman". If we've been working with one particular story all year long, this is where we will invoke the characters of that story, for example "The Faery Queen" and "Thomas the Rhymer."

  • The Magical Working- This is the heart of the ritual and is always different. It might be a healing ritual, or a spell working for justice. We might be doing activist oriented work, or tending to our own personal transformation. The mood and tempo of rituals can vary greatly.  We often use trance, song, meditation, movement, arts and crafts, dance, and other techniques as magical aides. Not always, but often we finish by "raising energy" to charge our magical work. 

  • Devoking and Opening the Circle- Just as we invoked deity and spirit and elements and cast the circle, so must we thank them and let them go. 

So who does all of this? Well, the ritual is planned and priestessed mostly by the Ritual Planning Cell,  with lots of help by community members that they enlist. If you have been coming to our rituals for awhile and feel ready to take on the role of calling an element, grounding or casting the circle, let a member of the RPC know!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to bring anything?

  • Sometimes. Read the ritual description for this particular ritual to see if you are invited to bring something specific for this ritual. You will always be able to fully participate even if you bring nothing!

Do I need to have prior ritual experience?

  • ​No, we welcome newcomers! 

Is the venue accessible?

  • ​The venue is wheelchair accessible via a ramp. There is an accessible bathroom on the same floor as the event room. 

Can I come late or leave early?

  • Doors close at 7. We ask that you plan to be with us until 9:30 to maintain the container.

How can I purchase a ticket?

  • We accept cash, Venmo, and Paypal donations at the door, before the event, and after the event! And, you are welcome and encouraged to attend no matter your ability to financially participate.

What should I wear?

  • Please wear what you are comfortable in, from jeans to sequins we have seen it all. It is not traditional to wear ritual robes in Reclaiming. Our ritual hall is SHOE FREE so please bring socks and or slippers. Some people get dressed up in festive attire so feel free to be creative if you desire. We welcome a creative interpretation of the theme!

Will there be a potluck?

  • ​We cannot have food in the venue so please do not bring food.

May I bring children?

  • People under 18 are not permitted in the venue at this time. Thank you for understanding.

Other questions? Email baltimorereclaming@gmail.com

The Ritual Planning Cell


After many years of being a more casual affair, in 2014 a proposal for a formal Ritual Planning Cell was made at the summer community meeting.  In this initial year, with three members, the cell planned three rituals. In 2015, the cell added a member and planned ​six rituals. During this year, the cell also inaugurated the use of a year-long ritual arc, with a series of six rituals exploring the Pentacle of Life. In 2016, the cell had nine members and planned seven rituals during a nine-month working with the story of Thomas the Rhymer and the Faerie Queen.  In 2017, the cell is planning a year of rituals around the theme of the Fool's Journey.   

How to join the Ritual Planning Cell

Membership for the Ritual Planning Cell opens each summer between the Beltane and Lammas rituals. During that time, a public call for members is made with instructions on how to apply. Applicants for the RPC should be active members of our local Baltimore Reclaiming community who have taken Elements of Magic, or another Reclaiming core class. Be sure to be signed up for our Yahoo Group or a member of our Facebook Community group in order to be informed when the Ritual Planning Cell is open to new members.


We'd love to hear your feedback on the rituals. Shoot us an email and let us know what is on your mind.