By bell and broom,
by cup and cauldron,
by string and salt,
We remember.
Lammas with Baltimore Reclaiming
Sunday, August 6, 2022
6:00 pm
2803 Grindon Ave, Baltimore, MD 21214 (accessible by the 28 and 54 bus lines)
Ritual Description: Traditionally, Baltimore Reclaiming begins our ritual year at Lammas, and this year is no exception as we introduce the ritual arc theme to will carry us through Beltane 2023 : the Tools of the Witch.
Lammas is a harvest festival, celebrating the “first fruits” of the work that has already been done in the spring and summertime planting season. In this spirit, our community will gather to “harvest” our early dreamings, visionings, and messages from the ancestors and spirit world as we prepare to take on a year of working with blade and besom, cup and cauldron, wand and pentacle. What is gathered will nurture and nourish the body of our work and inspire the ritual plans that our team of priestesses envision for the rest of the year.
Come ready to play, to trance, to listen and learn and sing, and to begin the journey of remembering how the tools of the Witch can reshape the world.
To bring: any of your ritual tools (traditional and non-traditional) which would like to receive charging at ritual! Any sharp blades must be in a sheath. We will provide ribbon for tying around items which should not be touched by anyone else. Please also bring rain gear as this is a rain or shine ritual!
Note: there is no outdoor seating provided, so please bring a chair, or blanket for the ground, for your own comfort.
COVID Safety: Face Masks are required for our rituals except for anyone who is in an active priestessing role. We encourage you to take an at-home COVID test before attending.
Donations: Baltimore Reclaiming does not charge for our events, but we do have considerable expenses which include renting the space and buying supplies for the ritual! We recommend a $10-$20 donation per person. You can bring cash or send money ahead of time via PayPal to or via Venmo to 443-235-2007.
Dress Code: We always encourage you to wear whatever you like to rituals. Please keep in mind that this ritual will be entirely outdoors, so dress comfortably.
Drugs & Alcohol: All Baltimore Reclaiming events are drug and alcohol free. We respectfully request that you do not use drugs or alcohol before or while attending our events.
Event Space: The Clifton Pleasure Club is located at 2803 Grindon Ave, Baltimore, MD 21214 and is accessible by the 28 and 54 bus lines. Our event will be in the yard outside the club. Restrooms are available inside the club. The yard is accessible, but the building is not. If you have questions about the physical space, please contact Jessica at
Scent Policy: We strive to accommodate people who have chemical and scent sensitivities. Please keep these people in mind as you make choices about wearing scented personal hygiene products.
What is Lammas? On Lammas we celebrate by turning our attention to what is around and within us. Summer is still glowing warm around us, leaving us languid with stoop stories and the music of cicadas. But we also feel it fading as the days shorten and the sun’s daily path moves further south. Traditionally, this time marks the beginning of the harvest festivals: the gathering of wheat for flour, and the seeds for the next growing season.
Who is Baltimore Reclaiming? Baltimore Reclaiming is a radically inclusive community of witches who use our magic to bring transformation, justice and healing to ourselves, Baltimore and the world. We are a group of witches, artists, pagans, healers, activists, queers, priestesses, anarchists, theater geeks, feminists, and other good humans. We see our work as teaching and making magic: the art of empowering ourselves and each other. In our classes, workshops, and public rituals, we train our voices, bodies, energy, intuition, and minds. We use the skills we learn to deepen our strength, both as individuals and as community, to voice our concerns about the world in which we live, and bring to birth a vision of a new culture. We gather, mostly on the Sabbats, to work magic, often for personal healing and also for the healing of our society and planet. We believe that the work we do together in our sacred circles really can change the world.