2640 St Paul Street, Baltimore Maryland 21218
Please arrive no earlier than 6:30 for a 7:00 ritual start.
Intention: In search of relationship, a murmuration of Witches invites Mystery to the Dance.
Can you sense it? Mystery is calling, yearning, reaching out to you… to me… to all of us…
How does this call move through and to you? Does it feel like a hummmm, thrum, a chill, or a fever dream?
What happens when you allow your awareness to stretch? Let it spin and run like a stream beyond your sight, beyond your hearing… what do you feel, or perhaps know?
As your awareness stretches like a web and connects each of us to the other in perfect love and trust where does mystery call you to move?
Where do you end and where does community begin?
Like birds in flight we witches can gather, shift consciousness and leave the ground to fly with the ancestors and mighty dead. Perhaps akin to a great murmuration we can soar, feeling, sensing and knowing each other’s every move. We darken the sky, our bodies unified and synchronized in the search for mystery’s deep call.
Where shall we fly, what will we find there?
Mystery! Love, Joy, Sacred Grief, initiation, Many Gendered wild ones, Goddesses, Gods! All faces of mystery! All faces of power!
We descend back to the ground and gather the pieces of the story woven into our bones and skins. The ripples of mystery continue to move within and through us and we are changed.
Come! Come! To our safe and secret magic meeting place! – to listen deeply, allowing your Witch’s body to stretch in new ways and sense the deep call of mystery. This is an invitation to bring a special object that conjures your own connection or desire for mystery! This can perhaps be a holey stone, a black mirror, or a divination tool. We will then gather and create an altar to mystery in the space. Being Samhain we also welcome you to bring a photo or memento to build a communal ancestor altar! These altars will be created communally so consider that in your selection. There will be sections on each altar that are not for sharing or touching by others out of respect.
Also, the annual tarot draw will also be held at the end of the ritual, as well as a simple cleansing practice.
So, please come! We look forward to making potent magic and building community through shared connection and searching for mystery!
The wheel turns and we change!
More about this ritual:
In this ritual, we will use our bodies, our voices, and our energies to communicate our invitation to the Mysterious Ones: we are here, and we want to work with You.
This ritual is a starting point in our arc of this Year of Courting Mystery. If you already have a personal relationship with an aspect of Mystery you'd like deepen (or you'd like to begin to cultivate!), you can do that. If you'd like to initiate contact with the Mysterious Ones of your culture or upbringing, or with an Ancestor of Blood, Spirit, or Craft - this is an opportunity to do so while the veil is thin and They can most easily receive our invitation. If you don't know the name of a specific Mysterious One but you know you need something, are seeking something - Healing or Inspiration or Vitality or Peace or, or, or! - this ritual can begin a relationship. Reclaiming Witches have many ways of conceptualizing and engaging with relationship to the Mysterious Ones and this ritual accommodates our beautiful diversity.
What this ritual will NOT include: aspecting/drawing down, possession by Mysterious Ones of any kind, commitment to relationship that is not based in consent, or an agreement that we as a community will all begin to worship a specific face of Mystery.
About Samhain:
Samhain is celebrated by modern Witches as a festival of the Dead. At this time of year we honor our ancestors and believed that the veil to the other world is thinner. It is a celebration of the end of the harvest, and the start of the coldest half of the year. Samhain's origins are in ancient Europe as one of the main Celtic seasonal festivals.
Who is Baltimore Reclaiming?
Baltimore Reclaiming is a radically inclusive community of witches who use our magic to bring transformation, justice and healing to ourselves, Baltimore and the world. We are a group of witches, artists, pagans, healers, activists, queers, priestesses, anarchists, theater geeks, feminists, and other good humans. We see our work as teaching and making magic: the art of empowering ourselves and each other. In our classes, workshops, and public rituals, we train our voices, bodies, energy, intuition, and minds. We use the skills we learn to deepen our strength, both as individuals and as community, to voice our concerns about the world in which we live, and bring to birth a vision of a new culture. We gather, mostly on the Sabbats, to work magic, often for personal healing and also for the healing of our society and planet. We believe that the work we do together in our sacred circles really can change the world.
Cost: Baltimore Reclaiming does not charge for our events, but we do have considerable expenses which include renting the space and buying supplies for the ritual! We recommend a $10-$20 donation per person. You can bring cash or send money ahead of time via PayPal to ritual@baltimorereclaiming.org or via Venmo to 443-235-2007. No one is turned away for lack of funds. You are fully welcome regardless of your ability to financially donate.
Mask Policy: Baltimore Reclaiming voted in July 2023 to continue our policy of wearing masks at rituals held indoors. We will have masks available for those who need one.
Drugs & Alcohol: All Baltimore Reclaiming events are drug and alcohol free. We respectfully request that you do not use drugs or alcohol before or while attending our events.
Scent Policy: We strive to accommodate people who have chemical and scent sensitivities. Please keep these people in mind as you make choices about wearing scented personal hygiene products.
What to Expect: New to Baltimore Reclaiming? Visit our Rituals page to learn more about what to expect at an event.
Dress Code: Wear whatever you like! You are welcome to wear everything from jeans and a t-shirt to a tuxedo. Often, people like to wear something special for ritual which might mean a favorite dress, a special shawl, a flower crown, or something else. We encourage you to wear whatever you feel most comfortable in.