Baltimore Reclaiming Teaching Cell


 The Baltimore Reclaiming Teaching Cell is a group of local Reclaiming teachers serving the community and the greater Reclaiming web. We provide classes and intensives in the Reclaiming tradition (collaborative, co-taught, non-hierarchical) that support our growing community. We provide mentoring and training and seek to deepen our skills as teachers.


The Baltimore Reclaiming Teaching Cell (BRTC) is committed to creating a teaching culture that meets regularly to develop teachers, receive input from community, and organize classes.


During the summer 2016 meeting the Baltimore Reclaiming community decided to form a Teaching Cell.  Over the next several months interested members of our community (including teachers and those who are not teaching) met several times as a working group to discuss issues such as structure, membership, and criteria for teachers. In the spring of 2017 the cell was formally begun after the group came to consensus on the cell's intention, purpose, and criteria for membership. 

Teacher criteria/cell membership

​The BRTC will use the CRAFT (northern California Reclaiming Alliance for Teachers) cell framework as a starting point for building our own teaching and student teaching criteria. Membership in the 2017-18 teaching cell is for people active in local community meeting this criteria for Reclaiming teaching or accepted as student teachers.

Student Teaching

One of the goals of the BRTC is to provide mentorship to those interested in becoming student teachers in the Reclaiming tradition.
If you are curious about becoming a student teacher,  please click this link. 

Current Teaching Cell

The current members of the Teaching Cell are Marcos,  Ayla, Sylvan, Jessica, and Amanda. If you are interested in joining this cell and believe you meet the criteria, please be in touch. 

Interested in teaching in Baltimore?

Are you a Reclaiming teacher who wants to bring a class to Baltimore Reclaiming? Submit your proposal here.
Are you a Reclaiming teacher or student teacher who wants to put your name in the hat to be considered as we plan classes? Fill out this form.